Sunday, August 31, 2008

Friends, Big Boy Baths and Peaches

Nothing necessarily related here, nor much to post about. Evan has been meeting new friends and seeing old ones but he seems to be enjoying socializing more and more. He hugs friends and plays with them more - sharing, not sharing and crying when they take things from him. The sharing extends to inanimate objects - here is a photo of Evan sharing crackers with "Duck".

We saw friends from our birth class and Evan and Bo hugged and kissed. I'll update with last years picture of the two of them for comparison at another date.

He LOVES baths so much that we can't even mention it if we're not serious about giving him one. He requests it several times a day. He started taking baths in the regular tub all by himself and he thinks this is the greatest!

The peaches? We're enjoying boxes of produce each week from a local farm and Leslie caught this delicious peach one morning in such nice light. It's a little homage to our friend at Alki who take gorgeous photos.

And we'll end with a sleeping baby in the car ride home from seeing my dear friend Kelly with her kiddos in Olympia. I guess we wore Evan out! We wish they weren't moving back to KC!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Back to School

It's back to school time!
Although Evan doesn't have new shoes and won't be filing in to meet his teachers yet, his love of learning is evident. "M" is still a favorite, but it's clear now that he recognizes all the letters of the alphabet and numbers one to ten. His favorite number is nine and he says it clearly.

We bought an activity table with a paper roll and some crayons for his room. He's so happy to work on it everyday - all the time. But we try to strike a balance and find other things to do as well - this means hiding all writing instruments in the house. Sometimes this doesn't even cut it because then he wants us to write letters in the dirt at the playground, with water on the slate floor, with his fingers on whoever is holding him...

He's keeping us on our toes!

He is also stringing two or more words together when talking. "Apple butter" and "apple bar" are favorites. Mommy (Leslie) is "Monny" and I am "MumMum". He's quite fascinated by the moon and if it's not out then we have to find an image of it - "book, moon".