Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The kitchen floor, nursing pillows and cloth diapers

Originally uploaded by hrharman
We spend a lot of time on the kitchen floor. We hang out while one mom cooks or cleans, we eat picnic style, and we play. That's why I'm thankful that Leslie covered up our hideous linoleum with a product called FLOR. Yes, we have carpet in the kitchen! If one tile gets dirty, you can take it up, rinse it in the sink, let it dry, and return it to its original spot. Evans playroom will have it next!

It was the kitchen floor where Evan first started rolling from his back to his front last week. And where he likes to practice standing and "walking".
grandma's quilt
Also, I got a new nusing pillow last week. I love it! Evan is fast asleep on it right now. It's from a small company in NY called Blessed Nest and it's filled with buckwheat. No more near roll offs or falling through the cracks! It's also where Evan discovered that sometimes a magazine is interesting reading - although not as good as Good Night Moon (his favorite).
new pillow

Finally, we are back on the cloth diaper wagon! We received our Fuzzi Bunz last week and they are excellent! These are an all-in-one diaper with a pocket for an insert. They are soft and so easy to use.
fuzzi bunz
And there are my product reviews for the day!


Sacha said...

Fuzzi Bunz are awesome. We use them at night and the prefolds during the day. The fleece is great for keeping the bum dry!

Love that BF pillow.

Heather said...

yeah, we are so happy to be back to cloth and - so far - no diaper rash!
LOVE the pillow! pricey, but worth the money.

Nesting Momma said...

Hi I wanted to introduce myself. I am Donna from Blessed Nest and a momma blogger. I blog at Blessed Nest but have my own personal blog were I will link you back. Always love meeting other like minded bloggers!Glad you like your pillow!