Thursday, November 15, 2007

Berea, Kentucky

Jeff, Evan and Heather
Originally uploaded by hrharman
We've been back for over a week now, but returning to our new "normal" is taking some time! (so is downloading all of our photos!) So, slowly but surely I wanted to share with you our photos from our travels.

Our first stop was Berea, Kentucky where we went for our dear friends, Jeff and Ashley's beautiful ceremony. It was great to be there, see them, and see other Appalachia Service Project folks. I miss all those wonderful people and wish we could have spent more time with them. Mostly we were all wrangling kids and it was hard to truly catch up. Gone are the days when we used to admire each others Birkenstocks, sing and play guitar, and discuss poverty and homebuilding...perhaps those days will return when the kids are in college???
Auntie Ashley

My best to you all in Eastern Kentucky and the others scattered here and there. Come visit us in Seattle sometime!

Jennifer & Abigail
First Kiss
Janet, Heather and Evan

Mary Margaret, Scott, Heather & Evan

1 comment:

Janet said...

Great pics (even the one of me). I love the one of William kissing Evan. you're right - there wasn't enough time to catch up. Hopefully we can do more of that before they get to college!!!!!