Monday, November 19, 2007

Scarsdale, New York

Bright Eyes
Originally uploaded by hrharman
Sorry I'm a bit slow on blogging these days. We have a moving/non-sleeping boy on our hands which makes it difficult to get much done these days!

Our next stop was Scarsdale to see Grammy Mary and Pop Pop. I like this photo of Evan and Pop Pop because they both have smiling blue eyes. In this photo we were eating sushi with Leslie's father.

It was wonderful to see Grammy and Pop Pop, some of their friends, Lainie and the boys, Petra, Michaela, Nadja, Michael, and Tom. Thanks for the hospitality!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Albany, NY

Mommy & the black cat
Originally uploaded by hrharman
Our next stop was Albany to see Grammy Jane and Uncle Pete. We enjoyed dressing Evan up in his first costume (thanks to Leslie and Ebay). He made a very cute black cat for about 15 minutes. It was great to see Grammy and Uncle Pete was very good at entertaining Evan with peek-a-boo.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Berea, Kentucky

Jeff, Evan and Heather
Originally uploaded by hrharman
We've been back for over a week now, but returning to our new "normal" is taking some time! (so is downloading all of our photos!) So, slowly but surely I wanted to share with you our photos from our travels.

Our first stop was Berea, Kentucky where we went for our dear friends, Jeff and Ashley's beautiful ceremony. It was great to be there, see them, and see other Appalachia Service Project folks. I miss all those wonderful people and wish we could have spent more time with them. Mostly we were all wrangling kids and it was hard to truly catch up. Gone are the days when we used to admire each others Birkenstocks, sing and play guitar, and discuss poverty and homebuilding...perhaps those days will return when the kids are in college???
Auntie Ashley

My best to you all in Eastern Kentucky and the others scattered here and there. Come visit us in Seattle sometime!

Jennifer & Abigail
First Kiss
Janet, Heather and Evan

Mary Margaret, Scott, Heather & Evan

Sunday, October 7, 2007

First Babysitters

first babysitters
Originally uploaded by hrharman
Leslie and I had our first date since Evan came into our world. We went to brunch on Saturday and our good friends Beth and Amy came over to hang with Evan. It was so wonderful!! Thanks Beth and Amy!!

baby bootcamp

baby bootcamp 1
Originally uploaded by hrharman

baby bootcamp 2
It's a weekend of baby bootcamp here at our household! And we have forward movement!! Evan has been practicing crawling for at least a month and he's so thrilled to be mobile. It's not your typical crawling but sort of slow leap frog movements. So fun!

baby bootcamp 3


Baby, it's cold outside!

it's cold outside
Originally uploaded by hrharman
Heather's mom has a friend that made this matching sweater and hat for Evan. We're so glad that it fits right now because it's gotten chilly here. And look how cute he looks!

Friday, September 28, 2007

William Tell Overture for Moms

I saw this video on another blog and loved it. It's hilarious! For all the moms we know...enjoy!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Madi & Evan

Speaking of Olivia...her and her daughter Madi came over the other day to hang out. Here's some cute pics of them hanging out with us. We're sad because they are close to selling their house and moving to Philly. But we LOVE Philly and look forward to visiting them there.
Madi & Evan
Olivia & Madi

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Self Portraits

Family Self-Portrait 1
Originally uploaded by hrharman
We've been taking a lot of self-portraits lately. Just thought we'd share a few...Oh! And check out the cute as an acorn hat - my friend Olivia made for Evan while he was still in the belly. We got our first hint of Fall the other day and I was excited that he could finally wear it!

Fall Hat
Story time with my moms

Monday, September 17, 2007

I love the beach!

I love the beach!
Originally uploaded by hrharman
We headed to Orcas for a last minute getaway this weekend. Our first trip out of Seattle with Evan! It was fabulous! Evan loved being outside, watching the water, walking on the beach, and meeting new people. Scout swam, played ball, met new people and slept. Leslie and Heather didn't want to leave as they continued their dream of the day that they can live on Orcas...
Time to head inside
Family Self-Portrait
Meditating by the sea

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The kitchen floor, nursing pillows and cloth diapers

Originally uploaded by hrharman
We spend a lot of time on the kitchen floor. We hang out while one mom cooks or cleans, we eat picnic style, and we play. That's why I'm thankful that Leslie covered up our hideous linoleum with a product called FLOR. Yes, we have carpet in the kitchen! If one tile gets dirty, you can take it up, rinse it in the sink, let it dry, and return it to its original spot. Evans playroom will have it next!

It was the kitchen floor where Evan first started rolling from his back to his front last week. And where he likes to practice standing and "walking".
grandma's quilt
Also, I got a new nusing pillow last week. I love it! Evan is fast asleep on it right now. It's from a small company in NY called Blessed Nest and it's filled with buckwheat. No more near roll offs or falling through the cracks! It's also where Evan discovered that sometimes a magazine is interesting reading - although not as good as Good Night Moon (his favorite).
new pillow

Finally, we are back on the cloth diaper wagon! We received our Fuzzi Bunz last week and they are excellent! These are an all-in-one diaper with a pocket for an insert. They are soft and so easy to use.
fuzzi bunz
And there are my product reviews for the day!

The cousins came for a visit

three cousins
Originally uploaded by hrharman
We had out of town guests this weekend - my cousin Emilee, her husband Jeremy and their fabulous children, Kaleb and Sophia. We had a great time with them and Evan was enamoured with his cousins.

Kaleb is cool

sophia & the dahlias

more snuggles

Friday, July 27, 2007

Future Baby Sitter

Originally uploaded by hrharman
I'm behind on the posts for the week. We've had a busy week! This included a visit from our friends and neighbors, Hattie and her son Willie. They brought wonderful gifts: Legos (for the future), and two Eric Carle books. Willie read to Evan and prepped him for future games of tag and basketball with the boys in the alley. Evan was mesmerized!
Thanks Willie and Hattie!


The Sippy


Evan won't take a bottle. We've tried many times with several types of bottles and various nipples, but it just wasn't happening for him. We tried warm, cold, me in the house, me out of the house... So far this hasn't been a huge issue, but at some point I would like to get out of the house - (ahem) - alone, or maybe even for a date night with Leslie. With advice from others who struggled with this issue, we've moved on to the sippy cup and he seems to like it - even straight from the fridge and even from me!



Sunday, July 22, 2007

NooNoo is a Hit!


Evan is teething. Poor guy! I bought him this tiny washed wool blanket the other day and it is a hit for the little fusser. It's called a NooNoo. It has different textures on it and he holds on to it with his hands and rubs it on his face and gums. Thanks to our friends over at the blog babycakes who we first heard about it from and the wonderful store, Birth and Beyond that sells it. I can hear my mom. She's saying , "I could make one of those!"


Saturday, July 21, 2007

Naked Time

Naked Time
Originally uploaded by hrharman
Here's Evan enjoying a naked romp on his soft blanket.
Happy and strong 3 month old boy!
3 months naked time 2
3 months naked time

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Playing w/Madi & her mom

Playing w/Madi & her mom
Originally uploaded by hrharman
Yesterday we got to hang out with a friend from prenatal yoga class, Olivia and her baby, Madi. The two moms had lunch while the babies slept. What a treat!
Madi was kind enough to share her playmat with Evan. He loved it! Thanks Olivia and Madi! Hangin' @ Madi's house
Madi has a cool playmatOlivia & Madi