Sunday, October 7, 2007

First Babysitters

first babysitters
Originally uploaded by hrharman
Leslie and I had our first date since Evan came into our world. We went to brunch on Saturday and our good friends Beth and Amy came over to hang with Evan. It was so wonderful!! Thanks Beth and Amy!!

baby bootcamp

baby bootcamp 1
Originally uploaded by hrharman

baby bootcamp 2
It's a weekend of baby bootcamp here at our household! And we have forward movement!! Evan has been practicing crawling for at least a month and he's so thrilled to be mobile. It's not your typical crawling but sort of slow leap frog movements. So fun!

baby bootcamp 3


Baby, it's cold outside!

it's cold outside
Originally uploaded by hrharman
Heather's mom has a friend that made this matching sweater and hat for Evan. We're so glad that it fits right now because it's gotten chilly here. And look how cute he looks!